Access to Discord and similar sites and ping problem solution [Ubuntu / Debian]

How to Use the Hostiger dnscrypt Installation Script

This script automates the installation and configuration of dnscrypt-proxy on your system. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Download the script: You can download the script using wget or curl:

    # or
    curl -O
  2. Make the script executable: Give the script execute permissions:

    chmod +x
  3. Run the script with root privileges: Execute the script using sudo:

    sudo ./
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions: The script will guide you through the installation process. It will ask you to select a resolver.

  5. Restart systemd-resolved: After the script finishes, restart the systemd-resolved service to apply the changes:

    sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Important Notes:

  • This script is designed for Debian/Ubuntu-based systems.
  • Make sure your system is up-to-date before running the script: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  • You need root privileges (using sudo) to run the script.
  • The script automatically configures dnscrypt-proxy to start on boot.

Solution to access problems on some sites on Türkiye Location VPS (Windows)

Download :

Using GoodbyeDPI

There are two methods for using the Turkish fork of GoodbyeDPI: using it by installing a service, and using it by running a batch file. When using the service installation method, you only need to install the service once, and then it will automatically run every time your computer restarts without requiring you to manually run anything. When using the batch file method, you need to manually start the batch file each time (GoodbyeDPI usage ends when the batch window is closed).

Using by Installing a Service (Automatically runs when Windows starts)

To use the Turkish fork of GoodbyeDPI by installing a service:

  1. Download the file to your computer.
  2. Extract the ZIP file to any directory.
  3. Right-click on the service_install_dnsredir_turkey.cmd file from the extracted files and select the Run as administrator option.
  4. Press any key in the console window that opens.
  5. The window will close automatically when the service is installed, and the service will also start automatically.

Note: This process will install the GoodbyeDPI service on your computer. To remove the GoodbyeDPI service from your computer, you need to run the service_remove.cmd file (located in the extracted files) as administrator.

Using with a Batch File (One-time use, ends when the window is closed)

To use the Turkish fork of GoodbyeDPI by running a batch file (a command window opens and the application starts running; it stops running when this window is closed):

  1. Download the file to your computer.
  2. Extract the ZIP file to any directory.
  3. Right-click on the turkey_dnsredir.cmd file from the extracted files and select the Run as administrator option.

Note: GoodbyeDPI will be active when you run the turkey_dnsredir.cmd file as administrator. However, when run with this method, you will have to manually open GoodbyeDPI every time your computer restarts, and GoodbyeDPI will be deactivated when the window opened with turkey_dnsredir.cmd is closed.